Drew has decided to take an active roll in naming his future sibling. He has a couple names picked out. First on his list is “Corndog,” followed by “Dora.” Hmmmm, interesting.

We actually reeeeeeally appreciate the help. Coming up with a name this time around has proven to be quite a challenge. I don’t know if it is because we have to come up with TWO names (one boy, one girl), or that the baby’s name has to mesh well with Drew and Brinley. After all, when we yell their names for being engaged in mischief they have to roll off the tongue easily! In any case, if Ryan and I can’t decide on a name, we may be bringing “Corndog” home from the hospital. It’s better than “baby boy,” right?

And just to be fair – a quick snap of Brinley from today. She was supposed to be putting her laundry away, and ended up throwing a rip-roarin’ fit instead. Then she fell asleep on the floor of her room. Looks comfy, eh?

I swear my kids really do have normal clothes. We’re all for encouraging their imaginations, but SHEEESH!