Brinley is my little baking buddy. Anytime there is something going on in the kitchen, it’s only a few seconds before I hear the screech of a chair being moved across the kitchen floor and her asking if she can help.

The other day we roasted our own pumpkin to make a puree for cookies and bread.

By the time we got around to making the cookies she had transformed into Baking Beauty. Who says princesses don’t bake?

Brinley knows her ingredients pretty well. Once she has an idea of what we are making, she makes a run for the pantry to collect the necessary ingredients.

Showing off our yummy pumpkin puree… Brinley’s got her magic wand handy just in case something goes awry.

Mmm…licking the beaters.

My least favorite part about baking with kids: the mess. Oh the mess!

While I am cleaning, she is watching. Waiting for cookies to bake can be pure torture.

Last week we finished our jam for the season. And look – same hoodie, different color. Hm, they must have been on sale! 🙂 In my defense, I bought two different sizes. It just so happens she can wear both right now!

And finally, making sure we waste not – roasted pumpkin seeds.

Just keep the salt on the seeds, no over-the-shoulder for luck please. 

Future Food Network celebrity chef!