5 minutes in the life of Rowan. Her new hobby is stealing her own binky and then crying and acting offended! Such a little drama queen already! 🙂  

She often gets perched somewhere while we are all getting ready for the day. Most of the time I can get a good 3 minutes of time where she is self entertaining.

Oh, look at the time! It’s been long enough, time to create a scene and get some attention!

Look at my coordinated self!

Eh, maybe I’ll wait another few minutes. I’m kinda diggin’ the binky right now.

Is anyone looking at me? Nope, everyone is totally oblivious, bummer.

Binky is goin’ back in. This isn’t getting me anywhere.

Whoops, it’s backwards.



All this drama, I think I broke a nail…

Man, I am tired after all that work…

Oh man! That was not on purpose.

That’s right, use the arms…All those push-ups are paying off now. Yeah baby!

Look ma! No hands!

And now back to our regular scheduled program…