party like it’s 2009

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Let’s get this party started! Yeah OK, it’s a little past New Year’s Eve, but after you read this post we are officially back on schedule! Please hold your applause…

Rowan wasn’t sure what was going on, other than everything was the color of money. Grandma & Grandpa F sent the kids these 2009 accessories so we could party in style.

Who is that mystery man behind those high quality plastic glasses?

Why it’s the Scoobfather, sporting the face of the year. He was more interested in watching my flash go off and then bounce across the wall than having his picture taken.

It’s getting close to midnight (in New York)! Let’s go outside and have some fun with the leftover sparklers from July 4th! Woohoo! Brinley was certain she had transformed into Cinderfella’s Fairy Godmother and was granting her every wish. “A wish is a dream your heart makes…” 

Even pyromaniac Ryan had to get into the act.

Fairy Godmother was getting cold, but that didn’t stop her from making those wishes come true! Too bad you didn’t stop by, eh?

Drew got write to work righting his name with the sparkler.

And then he just went crazy!


We burned through the sparklers pretty quickly, and it was way too cold to stay outside. Let’s make all kinds of noise with these blowie thingies. That’s one party horn…

Oooh, the competition is getting fierce! Two each!

Brinley goes for three, and it’s good!

Drew wins the blowie thingie tournament with a record-breaking 4 party horns!

Happy (belated) New Year!

santa’s spoils

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Christmas was three weeks ago? Say it ain’t so!

Here is what our house looked like after Santa has come and gone. Let the circus begin! But first, let’s enjoy the moment before the chaos…

Santa had to cover the presents up with a big blanket. Otherwise, the kids would be able to see their haul as soon as they exited their room upstairs. I’m selfish, and I wanted their reactions on tape. Er, I mean Santa…


I was sure the kids would be up at 6am, but they actually slept until 8:00. Rowan kept us up most of the night, and then slept until 9am. I had to whip out my external flash to keep up with the fast moving kids on Christmas morning. My flash and I don’t always see eye to eye, but we tried to set aside our differences and get along for a few hours.

Brinley came down the stairs first and froze. What is all this?!

Could it be my favorite doll, her biographies, and many much accessories?

I know you! I love you, Fancy Nancy!


This wasn’t Drew’s first rodeo. He came blazing down the stairs but failed to stay on his feet upon seeing that Santa had made his wish a dream come true…

The Cranium Destroyer 5000! Awesome!

Drew sat down on the throne like he’d been there a million times before.



But wait! What about Rowan? Drew swooped in and delivered her to her presents.

What. The. Heck. Is. This?!


Mildly entertaining. But much more exciting once she wore her brand new pink minky camo cloth diaper (thats a mouth full!) on her head! Osama Bin Ro-Dawg! She’s a much cuter terrorist don’t you think?

Now she’s getting the hang of it, and doing some nice poses for mama. Check out that diaper! That is the cutest thing that will ever get pooped in, that is for SURE.


Christmas breakfast was homemade cinnamon rolls. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm.


Santa brought us underwear for Christmas? Trust Mrs. Claus Drew, that is “cool kid” underwear you’re holding.

Drew showed off his hot-boy undies, Brinley liked her lacy undershirts that might just help keep her warm through this wretched season called winter. Band-Aids are always in short supply, and the kids are even more excited when their owies are covered by their favorite cartoon characters. Some sweet socks, Wall*E T-shirt iron-ons, Monson’s mug, and bibs and snacks for Rowan was just on the surface of those stockings. Lets dig deeper… 


What is pine bologna doing in Brinley’s stocking? Drew looks perplexed. Probably because baloney is spelled bologna. 




Rowan showed no mercy to the wrapping paper.


And how does a girl judge a new pair of shoes? By having a taste, of course. Mmmmmm…

Drew was master of the scissors, and Brinley got even more Fancy Nancy stuff. Also included are pics from Grandpa & Grandma F’s Christmas Eve celebration.


Grandpa & Grandma J gave D&B a sweet doctors kit, complete with scrubs and badges. We don’t need no stinkin’ badges! Nurse Brinley couldn’t find my heartbeat, hence the worried look. She immediately summoned Dr. Drew to evaluate…

As an almost 6-year-old with vivid memories of vaccinations, Dr. Drew was more than happy to give out shots. Yikes!

My health was restored, and Dr. Drew was even kind enough to write me a prescription.


The diagnosis: Sic. Injection: FeylBer (Feel Better). “Ask your doctor if fast-acting FeylBer is right for you.” It could happen!

I filled my prescription for Christmas lunch: Chips and homemade guacamole. I’m cured!

shanghai binky

Rowan 1 Comment »

Alright, who done it?

Wait a second, why is everyone laughing?

Okay, haha hehe hoho.  Laugh, giggle, snort. I’m laughing too…but?

Seriously, where is my binky?