swarm of the shamrock

Brinley, Crafts, Drew 4 Comments »

If an overweight guy with reindeer and an egg-obsessed rabbit can bring gifts to children all around the world, why can’t a bunch of mischievious irish elves get in on the fun?

The leprechauns seemed to invade from all directions. First there was the little green footprints that led from D&B’s bedroom down to the fridge where their little milk jugs had been irish-a-fied, idea courtesy of the brilliant St. Kari.


Drew set up a leprechaun trap to see if this mythological character could be tamed. He managed to break loose of the trap, but not without leaving some of his “gold” behind.


Those persnickety pixies also left an all time favorite – sugar cookie dough. Shamrock shaped cookie cutters were the weapon of choice, of course! 


Did the kids enjoy the plain old sugar cookies? Nope! With the help of some St. Paddy’s inspired frosting from Grandma F the kids got right to work embellishing those behavior-altering flour chunks into masterpieces of mischief!


Critical sugar content level acquired, ready for the rush!


No this isn’t leprechaun genocide. I wanted to take a page out of Bakerella’s book and try some cake balls. Since my sister Kelsey is here, we thought with twice the luck we could pull it off, but alas… Bakerella we are not. They were still fun to make (and eat!).


O’Drew went off to kindergarten armed with yet another handmade leprechaun trap. If they doesn’t fall for the paper rainbow and the gold painted bottle caps, I don’t know what else the boy can try.


Alas, neither of the traps worked. Drew decided to take a more diplomatic approach and wrote a letter. “Leprechaun how come you didn’t let me catch you in my jail and my office one. Can I catch you today your leprechaun letters are silly man on the box. My name Drew.”


Drew wasn’t sure of the address to send it to. Just Ireland oughtta do right?On the envelope Drew is trying to appeal to the sprites’ softer side. I don’t know how that’s gonna work; they call them the Fighting Irish for a reason!


the good, bad, & the ugly

Everyday 5 Comments »

It’s not all sunshine and roses around here. As I was scrolling through the pics from the last week, I realized that some of the truest moments of our household never get seen. So, here we go…the good, the bad, and the ugly…

Drew and Brinley are extremely independent.  Not such a bad thing for me, because I don’t have to do for them what they can do for themselves, it’s just a little risky at times.


The do use their independence to benefit others. I get “saprized” with a cup of water at least once a day. Sometimes Rowan gets juice, which Drew makes sure to dilute using his own scientific methods.


Upon wiping the table one night, I discovered chunks of Brinley’s hair. Lovely. I feared the worst, and went to further investigate.


At least she cut it in the back and it’s not noticeable at all. We call this ‘do the Kung-Fu Panda. As for the outfit…I think that qualifies as ugly. Spots, stripes, and solids, not to mention her shirt is on backwards?! Good effort Binnie!


A couple weeks ago Drew broke my prized butter dish. It wasn’t just any butter dish.


Drew confessed (as if the horrified screams coming from the kitchen weren’t enough), and wrote me a sorry letter.


The butter dish was part of a handmade set painted by my sister Jenna who is currently serving a mission in Hotlanta, GA. At least I have a few months before I have to break the news to her.


Drew felt genuinely sorry and wrote another sorry letter. Instead of finger spaces we have | to break up the words. “I am soreye I em rile soreye to brack your glase.” awww…


Speaking of horrified screams, how does one accidentally drop her “cd player” in a washer full of suds and clothes? Judging from the howl she let out, it had to have been tragic. We let it dry for a few days, and it was good as new. Amazing!


I love that my kids enjoy cleaning. The kids clean with vinegar, that way they are actually disinfecting and I don’t have to worry about the money wasted (or the fumes inhaled) while they spray, spray and spray some more. Better spray one more time, just in case…


I wonder where all those crumbs went?


We’ll just make Drew sweep them up, and entertain the baby at the same time. Hey CinderScoob, when you are finished there, how about bathing the guinea pig?


Poor neglected Ro. Left on the kitchen floor to fend for herself. Watching everyone else run around her…she has become such a velcro baby lately.


She’s possibly (hopefully!?) teething, so a dose of tylenol and a nice long (looooong) nap will do wonders.


How about those dry, cracked, bleeding hands? Drew has the worst case. That is hydrogen peroxide bubbling on Brinley’s hands. ouch!


After the “fizzy water” has done it’s job, they get slathered with Eucerin cream and shoved into baggies. And then the kids get the next 2 hours to relax in front of a movie. Sweet freedom! Or is it?


Drew has a fantastic primary teacher. After a recent lesson on faith, Drew came home and relayed all of the information he had recently gleaned. He is famous for setting up impromptu Family Home Evenings where he gives us the watered down version.


And then there is the mystery items that come home from the grocery store. How this bad boy went unnoticed, I don’t know. I wonder who the culprit was?


out as long as she was in

Rowan 4 Comments »

Rowan rolled passed 9 months old last week.

Look at my happy, fat, naked self! Why is it so important that I become a Mobile Ro?


I still have the same problem. My bro and sis make sure that I am very well taken care of, and that none of my toys are out of arms reach. So motivation is something I struggle with…


Hold on a sec while I chug my energy drink, I gotta get amped up! The writing’s on the wall. It’s go time!


Aaaarrrrrrrrrrh! Feel the burn!


Round 2. Come here Rowie, you can do it!


Don’t be thrown off track by those fishy crackers, they were just to get you started!


Made it past the crackers, on to the marker. Will she crawl or will she scoot?


Oops, belly flop. A+ for effort!


Let’s keep chugging though, okay? The clock is ticking, we’ve got 4 weeks…