under the weather

Brinley, Drew, Rowan, Vicious Beasts 1 Comment »

It started with Ryan, then spread to Rowan and I. Drew and Brinley were able to stave off the cold for a few days, but eventually went down together. We are all in varying stages of illness & recovery.

We’ve been taking naps, and watching lots of movies.

Taking numerous hot, steamy showers, and playing quietly inside.

Oscar has been pitching in, making sure Drew settles down and takes his recommended naps.

I think we have made it over the hump. Snotty noses, raspy coughs and wadded up tissue will soon be behind us. Until then, I am trying to enjoy the rarity of all thee kids sleeping at the same time!

the happiest of reunions

Vicious Beasts 7 Comments »

Today is a happy day. This morning Cheddar came home after being lost for 18 days. He is dirty, stinky, scrawny, hungry and scared, but he is home!

We found him through a small series of miracles. I was supposed to be visiting teaching this morning, but I woke up with pink-eye and had to cancel the appointment. After I dragged myself out of bed I was greeted by two hungry kids whose only request was a popsicle for breakfast. Sure why not, you only live once, right? It was nice out and we had some orange juice popsicles in the freezer anyway. Knock yourselves out. Of course I had to follow them outside and take a picture.

Not even two seconds after I snapped that picture I heard him meow. We dropped the camera and popsicles and started calling to him. We found him in the side yard crouched down inside a window well, his voice was hoarse and he needed help.

After scarfing down dry cat food and tuna fish he was ready to say hello to his buddy Oscar.

I made sure to let Cheddar know how much we missed him by torturing him with a nice hot bath. He will thank me later.

After a few hours he was back to his lively, playful self. He has already sought out his favorite spots and is making up for lost time by begging for affection.

Today I am grateful for small miracles. And pink eye. And popsicles.

cat conundrum

Vicious Beasts 2 Comments »

Yesterday our dear cat, Cheddar, disappeared. He is a sneaky little thing, and must have slipped outside while the kids were ping-ponging between the kitchen and backyard. Somehow he went unnoticed and was brave enough to leave the yard. We spent the last 24 hours checking the fence for any any evidence that might lead us in the right direction. We have been tracking down leads from neighborhood kids, and canvasing the neighboorhood with all manner of cat-calls. No sign of him.

This morning we posted signs around the neighborhood hoping that someone may have found him. The kids have been praying for Cheddar’s safe return, and asking anyone who will listen to join in the effort. 

I owe a big thanks to this man for walking the streets at 11o’clock at night with a flashlight hoping to find Cheddar huddled up under a bush. It takes a true man and dedicated father to walk around the neighborhood calling “here kitty, kitty.” 

It’s only been 24 hours but Cheddar is definitely missed. We miss his company & playful spirit. I even miss his annoying habits, like hovering when we eat hoping that a morsel of turkey sandwich will fall into his lap, or batting old receipts around the kitchen floor.

As embarrassing as it is to blog about a cat, and take a chance at becoming a “crazy cat lady,” we miss this little ball of fur and home he makes his way home to us.