I’ve been pretty sick this past week. Taking multiple showers a day has been the only way I feel somewhat human again. I took a lot of showers during the first 25 weeks of my pregnancy to keep the pukes at bay, and my showers were usually accompanied by a small glass of Coke, because for whatever reason small sips seemed to help with the nausea. Soooo…the kids are somewhat accustomed to mommy jumping into the shower at random times of the day, and being left to fend for themselves. I told the kids I wasn’t feeling well, and that they needed to play together in their rooms until I got out – the usual speech. While I’m in the shower I hear the unmistakable screech of a kitchen chair being hauled across the linoleum. I figured they were helping themselves to a snack, the little mischievous beings that they are. I wasn’t terribly worried about it. Once I get out of the shower, Drew brings me a HUGE glass of milk. Upon further inspection I can see that there is definitely something strange going on with this milk. Then he tried to explain that he couldn’t find any Coke in the fridge, the juice was too hard to open, so he brought me some milk. He went on to tell me that the “big” milks were too heavy, so he got me some of the “sun” milk. Hmmmm.

It took me a second to compute in my brain what “sun” milk meant. Then I looked at Drew’s face. He was SO proud of the good deed he had just done. And I could tell he was waiting for me to take a drink. Mmmmm, tasty! I wanted to pretend to take a sip, but I knew that he would see right through that. And I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. So I took a sip. And told him it was delicious, and that I felt better. And he smiled and walked away happier than happy. Such a sweet, thoughtful little man. I honestly don’t know where he gets his thoughtfulness from.