This is Drew’s second season playing soccer. And by season, we mean 6 games, 3 on 3, 45 minutes per game. It is pretty serious business! Saturday was his last game, and he did really well. He has finally come out of his shell, and even scored a goal! It was for the other team, but hey – we’ll take it! In all fairness, it wasn’t really his fault. The teams switch goals at halftime, which causes the beehive of soccer to meander around the field in mass hysteria for the first 10 minutes. I know that’s the rules, but these kids are 4 & 5 years old. Besides, they don’t keep score, and the sidelines are more like guidelines than actual rules… It’s all for fun anyway, and Drew comes home completely exhausted, which is a total bonus! 🙂

Drew has really made big steps in managing the ball and making big power kicks. This season we had to encourage Drew (against our own conscience) to tone down his considerate self and just take the ball away from the other kids. Check out the way he sticks his tongue out when he is concentrating. Silly kid!