when we walk to the park…

This picture cracks me up. I can clearly see why I have no friends. I must scare them away 🙂

Lets count the many ways that this photo is hilarious. First we have the guinea pig. On a leash. Being bribed to move forward by a dandelion. Then we have Drew, dressed head to toe in camo print, complete with matching green socks. He was SO proud of his outfit, and showed me twice how well it matched – how could I disagree? Technically it does “match,” right?  Did you notice that both kids have their shoes on the wrong feet? Super cool… Then we have Brinley pushing Jade-Lola (aka J-Lo) along. She even made sure to pack a diaper bag for her baby, such a good little momma. And we won’t even being to talk about who gets to babysit the guinea pig while the kids are playing at the park. Lucky me. That brings on a whole new level of coolness…

But you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Anyone want to join us next time?