We took the kids to the dentist today. I am ashamed to admit that this was their first visit to to the tooth doctor.

Brinley was a champ. She laid down on the bench and the assistant went right to work “tickling” her teeth.

She flashed big smile after her teeth were clean because everyone told her that her teeth were “shiny” now.

Drew on the other hand, was completely falling apart just watching Brinley take her turn. His appointment started out with super scary X-rays. That involved being alone while wearing the lead vest, biting the plastic chip, and attempting to stay still as the “camera” took pictures of his teeth. He was supposed to have four pics, but was way too freaked out after just one…

We tried to calmly explain everything and let him touch all the tools. He decided that touching them with his fingers was one thing, putting them in his mouth was another. No way, no how.

We finally convinced him to let the dental assistant tickle one tooth  just to see what it felt like, and so the teeth cleaning began. In a full upright position, of course. Getting him to lay down was asking WAY too much.

Half way through he decided it wasn’t too bad and laid down on the bench. He actually cracked a smile or two when they squirted his mouth with water.

Neither one of the kids had any cavities – score! We were able to see Drew’s upper adult teeth on his one x-ray (man those suckers are HUGE!), and they told us that his baby teeth were starting to get wiggly. I’m looking forward to toothless grins, but I am a little afraid of the buck-teeth that might be taking their place!