Since the older kids have been hogging the blog lately, I think it is time for a post dedicated to Rowan. Here are the highlights from the last few weeks.

One week old, posing for yet another one of Mama’s crazy ideas…

Here she is at two weeks old just lookin’ around all bright-eyed and bushy tailed.

Three weeks old, intently staring at a sheet of contrasty scrapbook paper. Yep, she is getting smarter by the minute!

At three and a half weeks she was finally able to take a real bath. Her “straw” was hanging on for dear life. (When I was pregnant, I was trying to figure out how to explain to Drew and Brinley what the umbilical cord was and how it put food in her tummy, and “straw” was the only way I could relate it to them.)

Four weeks old, clutching two of her favorite things, her teddy and her binky.

She’s starting to get a little bit of an attitude…this is how she feels about Mama’s photoshoots.

This is what happens when you put her down.

Five weeks old, sleeping peacefully with a little grin on her face.

Five and a half weeks old, chillin’ in a beanbag in the kitchen, watching the hustle and bustle around her.

Exactly six weeks old, still loving the swaddle. The only way we can get a decent nap out of her.

She has started to smile, but I haven’t been fast enough with the camera yet! She pulls them out when you least expect it, and likes to tease me when she knows I’m ready…little stinker!


And finally, her first time laying on the grass. I think she’s saying “Why did you do this to me?!” Yeah, she wasn’t too thrilled about it.

She is a big bundle of fun, but very needy. I think reflux is the contributing problem to not being able to put her down. She sleeps well at night and tolerates her siblings and the crazy ways they show their affection. She is starting to lose the wrinkly newborn look. Her face and limbs are filling out and her stork bites are starting to fade.  She loves to be up high so she can look around and hates to be left in a room alone.  She burps like a dude. She loves bath time, hates being dried off and dressed. She loves diaper changes, but watch out when you hear the thunder from down under – she can fill a diaper like nobody’s business!

I can’t believe she has been with us for six weeks. Time flies when you are having fun!