Drew and Brinley have been unusually rotten lately. In an effort to try and remedy the problem, we sat down and tried to figure out what we were doing so differently. We realized that since Rowan came along, we haven’t done as many fun things as a family… So yesterday we packed up and headed to the Boulder Creek for a bike ride.

Here is Drew truckin’ along a windy road. If you look closely, you can see his homemade helmet-hawk.

After we worked up a good sweat, we stopped to play in the water. It was a little chilly, but the kids went out a few feet so they could spot the occasional tuber float by.

Brinley loves nothing more than to get good and dirty. She’s looking a little pink and puffy after getting sunscreen in her eyes.

Ryan didn’t think the soothing sounds of the creek were enough, so he tried to add his own flair with a custom-made grassaphone.

Rowan was all cozy in her carseat and slept through most of the excitement.

She did wake up for an oil change or three.

We had to lure the kids away from the creek with food. I wish I was as excited about pb&j as they were.

So, have the kids been any less rotten you ask? Hmmm, well…the jury is still out on that one!