The other day Drew and Brinley started making up their own lyrics to the Woody’s Roundup song from Toy Story. I’ll post them as soon as I can actually understand them…

I think we are past due for an update on our favorite little chunk of chub. She is becoming so much fun.  The kids get a kick out of accessorizing her or trying to get her to laugh or smile.

It’s a lot easier to get a smile out of her these days. She is all smiles until I whip out the camera, then I only get a mere smirk. Curses on my big black camera, if I had a small sleek silver one she probably wouldn’t even notice it.

She loves to soak up the evening sun with her favorite Daddy.

We’ve finally got nap time figured out to a science. She must be on her belly, laying on her left side with her hands near her chin. Any combination other than that one, and no dice.

This is what she looks like when she is completely zonked.

Which of course is my cue to harass her with lots of pictures of all her l’il parts & pieces.

She had her first dip in the pool on Labor Day. I don’t know what she was more upset about – the chilly water or the swimming suit that was three sizes too big. Plus I don’t think yellow is her color.

Her cheeks keep getting bigger and bigger and BIGGER.

We hung her upside down for a few seconds to see what effect gravity had on those suckers.

She’s looking like such a big girl in her Bumbo chair. Bumbo’s weren’t around when D&B were babies, and I just had to have one.  We scored this baby on Craigslist yesterday. Bargain!

A little tongue action, too. I think that means the photoshoot is over. Or maybe just beginning? I have about 15 more pictures just like this one, I’ll spare you though.

Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen? Aside from your own offspring, of course 🙂