This was the last weekend of summer. It’s a bummer, but summer has been good to us this year. We’ve enjoyed watching our garden grow from tiny seeds, to vegetable laden plants.

There isn’t anything tastier than a home-grown tomato. Yum!

Brinley isn’t a huge fan. That’s okay, these tastes have to be acquired. And that means there is more for me!

Drew pulls yet another delicasy for the privileged pig. After that one it’s back to store-bought carrots for Oscar. Sorry dude.

Here are our cute little sunflowers in their infancy. I’d show you what they look like fully matured, but they have been mangled by a squirrel we used to lovingly refer to as “Hammy.”

Drew and Brinley were pretty angry the morning we woke up and found some of our precious sunflowers laying half eaten on the ground. We were hoping to harvest the seeds, but it seems we are at odds with nature.

Death to Hammy and all his furry little friends.