We finally took Rowan in for her 2 month check-up. She is just 9 days shy of being 4 months, way to be on-time! Our regular doctor went on maternity leave and I took my sweet time finding a new pediatrician. Besides, watching Rowan get her first set of shots wasn’t on the top of my priority list. We love our new pediatrician (thanks Rachel!), I think we will ditch the old doc and continue to go to the new place.

Rowan has happy-go-lucky and charmed the doctor. She loved the crinkly paper on the table, and was wiggling around like crazy trying to make noise. She wasn’t too thrilled about the shots, but got over it pretty quickly. She is 11lbs (25%) and 23.5inches tall (50%).

Her cute little band-aid. We need to have a talk with her about those short shorts.

This has nothing to do with her appointment, but I have to sneak in more pictures! I caught Rowan in a good mood a few days ago, she was flashing me all sorts of smiles and funny expressions. She is becoming so much fun lately!

Whaddya lookin’ at?

Do-De-Do. Just hanging out on Mom’s bed.

Whats that smell? Oh, it must be the mustard bomb in my pants. My bad.

Are you going to change my diaper or what?

I’m definitely missing the tiny helpless newborn stage, but it is so fun when they start to interact and play! The kids are having so much fun with her too, they seem to be able to get smiles out of her when I can’t! I think they are already planning ways to gang up on me…