Free Day at the Botanical Gardens is always a special treat. Fortunately it was a perfect warm day to enjoy the fall colors and see the HUGE variety of cool plants that grow in the Gardens.

Say cheese! Sweet piggies Binnie. Drew now smiles with an under-bite to over-emphasize the toothless-ness…

The monkey found the bananas…

We made our way through the hot steamy jungle.

D&B found a perfect hill for a rolling race. And they’re off!

Drew got a 5-yard penalty for blocking, but I don’t think he cared. 


Brinley still leading by a butt…sorry, couldn’t resist.

Drew figured out that doing somersaults was faster than rolling. Also slightly more dangerous.

Ever heard of Cat Scratch Fever? Try cat nap fever. Rock ‘n’ Roll Rowan!

This is one of the few subjects who managed to sit still during his photoshoot.


The pond was swarming with koi and goldfish. Drew stuck his finger in the water and the fish would come try to take a nibble.

We heart the Botanical Gardens! It looks like it hearts us too.