Halloween wasn’t just one fun night for Drew & Brinley. It was a whole week of fun. All week long the kids were doing fun things in order to truly capture the Halloween that every kid dreams of. Wear your costume once on Halloween night? What a drag. Wear it to get all kinds of candy and other free stuff? Now you’re talking!

D&B&R hopped into the studio the moment after they ripped open the box from Grandma J to show off her fine work. It also worked as a way to preserve the memory of the costumes in case anybody bit the dust. 

Brinley dear, it really isn’t a real cupcake. Ok, whatever…

She is a cute cupcake isn’t she?

Thanks Grandma J for turning a lampshade, beads, and some fabric into pure magic.

The Dilly Bar, ready to roll.

Looks like the mothership likes Dilly Bars too. Who doesn’t?

Oh yeah, and Drew wanted a taste too.

Rowan looks like a tasty banana split laying in chocolate. Or the Pope. ha!

Don’t doubt for a minute that she isn’t going in for a taste.

A few days later we went to Freaky Fun Day at at Old Navy, where the first 100 kids with their costumes on got to pick out a graphic-tee for free. Score!

We went to DQ on Halloween day so I could get some pics of Drew with a Dilly Bar. Turns out they were giving out cones to kids in costume! The DQ peeps said there was no way they could give a walking Dilly Bar anything less than the ultimate reward.

Brinley was SO jealous that she insisted (screaming bloody murder) that she get a bite. Who wants a cone when you can have a Dilly Bar? Exactly.

I don’t know, something is just creepy about a Dilly Bar eating a Dilly bar. Hannibal Lecter anyone?

All done and saving the stick for Oscar. He likes to chew on wood, and is quite the pine aficionado.

Rowan, the dairy nazi, giggled the whole time about all the creamy dreamy goodness I missed out on. I think her costume should have involved horns and a tail.

After DQ we hit up Papa Murphy’s for free pizzas! We are the supreme Kings of Cheap!

And that is the end of our Halloween festivities. Finally!