Rowan went back to the doctor last week for her 5 month visit, it should have been a four month visit, but we are still playing catch-up. She weighed in at 12lbs 7oz (10%), she is such a petite little thing!

Here she is all posed and pretty before the doctor came in.

What elephant? I don’t see an elephant anywhere in this room. Everything is ohhh kaaaay.

A few hours later, sleeping off those darn shots.

Way back when Drew was a baby we got one of those fancy exersaucers. Drew & Brinley both loved it, but we weren’t too sure about Rowan. She hasn’t shown an interest in toys yet. Drew & Brinley helped Daddy unbury the saucer from the depths of the basement, and gave it a good sanitizing wipe-down. Then…it was time.

Whoa, what is all this?! You can literally see the gears turning…

And then she started grabbing at everything like a pro, she knew what to spin and what to push. She had been holding out on us!

Can you say record scratch, baby style? 

I loved watching her discover everything. It was a whole new world for her.

She stayed in the saucer for quite a while! It’s nice to have something entertain her during the day so I can do things like cook and bake, and yeah – clean.