A few days ago the kids were begging for playdoh. Ryan and I were involved in some projects around the house and I didn’t feel like cleaning up after a playdoh hurricane. I’m not usually opposed to the mess (I love peeling chunks off of playdoh the bottom of my feet!) but this time I thought we could kill two birds with one stone! The kids could get their creative juices flowing and I would be free to finish up what I had going. So I kicked the kids outside with a few cookie sheets and our extensive playdoh collection. 

Aerial view from Brinley’s bedroom window. I had to take out the screen to get this shot. It was worth it, and Ryan got to rescue a damsel in distress when I wasn’t coordinated enough to put the screen back in correctly.

This picture is the essence of being three. Sitting in the tall grass, smashing playdoh through a squisher to make spaghetti, or maybe it was linguine. Technical terms, huh?


Fun factory indeed. There isn’t anything more exciting than watching crusty playdoh ooze out of a squisher.

Chef Drew was cutting his playdoh into breadsticks. Mmmm, playdoh feast anyone?

Miz Rowan pretending to be coy. She has made her peace with the grass, but I didn’t make her lay in it this time. Not with a soft cuddly minkee blanket around. (Thanks Aunt Kelsey!)

I think she is looking towards Utah saying thanks Kels!

So much for being able to finish my project. I spent more time photographing them than anything else…