Before we left on our super cool road trip to Utah (more on that soon!), we had to make sure that everything and everyone was taken care of. Drew was pretty bummed that Oscar had to stay behind and wouldn’t get to experience the euphoria of Grandma’s house. Drew knew that Daddy would be home a couple of nights during the week (work stinks) to keep an eye on things. Even with that reassurance, Drew was still concerned that Oscar’s needs would be forgotten, so he went ahead and made a to-do list for Daddy. With pictures! And exclamation marks!!!


The little man is definitely on the road to literacy. Now if we could just figure out why he writes backwards, and in Spanish?! And do you think Oscar is just slightly spoiled? He’s practically got his own menu!

Drew also drafted this note. I can’t figure out what most of it says, if anyone out there is a pro at 5 year old jibberish, help would be much appreciated! The only part I can read is the fourth line “Feed my guinea pik(!?)” with a few “if,” “cat” and “dad’s” thrown in there. I was amazed that he went on to spell guinea pig almost correctly. He may have copied the letters from Oscar’s bag of food, he is smart like that.

I found it hilarious and completely adorable that he took this task upon himself. And super proud that he is sounding out words and creating his own sentences. Now that we have have to sound out his words to understand them, it gives us a perspective on what it’s like to be Drew learning how to read & write. Tough stuff!