Rowan had her 6 month check up to ensure that she is still growing like a weed. She is growing, but like a small weed, that’s all. Who doesn’t want to enjoy über-baby-cuteness longer? She weighed in at 13lbs and 9oz, which is 5% for her almost 7 month old self. Well, the doctor says Ro-dog is off her curve (Huh? She’s got lots of curves!) and that we should be stepping up the progress that she should be making.

Here Rowan is demonstrating why she has no interest in crawling. All of her toys are hand delivered! Who needs to crawl or walk when you get service like this?!

See, she can sit up in the sink or bath all by herself. Where’s the problem?

We’ve been trying to introduce solids, but she wasn’t interested until recently. Her diapers will never be the same…sniff. Whew!

Caution: Foreign contaminant!


What is this stuff?

Hmmm…I’ll give you my opinion later. Perhaps in solid form.

Here she clearly demonstrates her rapidly developing pincher grasp. More like “it-just-stuck-to-my-drooly-finger-so-I-got-it” grasp.

She isn’t a big fan of Gerber Puffs (yet). What was Santa thinking?

Little miss distracted… Are you taking pictures of the back of my head? Cuz this is my better side.

Oh I get it. Watching Daddy open his huge trap while trying to feed me is heeee-larious.

Daddy can’t seem to feed me fast enough. Plus I need to show off my wicked awesome flexibility again.

Feeding Rowan has proven to be quite the challenge. Surveillance is her greatest talent. Make sure to feed her in a box, or otherwise she will pay more attention to what is going on in every other room of the house!