We are very much enjoying our new church schedule. As hard as it is to get everyone up, ready and out the door by 9am, it sure is nice to come home and have the whole day ahead of us!

This last Sunday the kids had quickly burned through their daily ration of construction paper, so it was time to open up a whole new avenue of cheap creativity: marshmallow tinker toys!

Arrr! Here be One-Eyed-Cap’n Drew deep in the construction process.



As with any other craft, both kids were quite serious about their creations.

Cubes were the most favorite builds.

Or maybe the easiest and most versatile?


Even more favorite was eating the creations. Waaaaaaay tastier than tinker toys.

Drew got very technical in his Mater tribute, but found that marshmallows are not as dense as he had hoped. It’s OK Drew, Mater isn’t big on details…

Got ‘er done!

After the marshmallows had dried out they were tough as nails and D&B discovered that they could actually play with their new toys. Double the fun!