Time flies. Rowan is a whopping eight months old. I’ve been (trying) to have some fun with her in the studio. She usually has her own ideas, but I take what I can get. I can’t wait until she is old enough for bribery!

Most of the time she is an angel. We finally have her taking consistent naps, but night time is still a constant struggle. We’ve tried it all, and she is just stubborn. I wonder where she gets that from?

The dimple-cheek angel is a rare bird. Did I mention it’s even more rare at night?

Here is miss Itty Bitty wearing the outfit she wore home from the hospital when she was 2 days old! Finally, it fits! She is about 14lbs these days, and carries most of it in her cheeks…both varieties.


Sugar and spice and everything nice? Or shugga shugga, honey honey?

This looks like a sweet innocent kissy face, but beware – she’ll slime you!

Rowan’s favorite thing is anything that crinkles. Toys are just ok, she’ll go for a chip bag or crinkled paper over a brightly colored toy. And yes, I saved a weeks worth of chip bags to get this picture. So?

She can’t get enough. I’ll freely admit that I’m a Sun Chips addict. It’s my “treat,” and every time I open a bag you can bet that Rowan will be clamoring at my feet waiting for her turn.

I want every last crumb of goodness out of this bag! I swear she didn’t learn technique this from me…