Have you recovered from your egg hangover yet? We enjoyed an entire protein filled blood pressure raising week of Easterness. It’s really quite lame to enjoy any holiday for just a day, when the fun can be drawn out until you never want to do it again…

It was warm outside at the beginning of the week. That calls for an outdoor Easter egg hunt with friends from the ward 5 days before Easter! Woohoo!


Nice work! Hey Binnie, turn around I see another one. Hurry quick before Drew beats you to it!


Even if it was just mommy that hid these eggs, finding candy is still fun no matter what. To avoid confusion (and allergic reactions) all the eggs at the park came with a “personal touch.”


Hey this one has my name on it too!


I think Rowan is hiding eggs in her cheeks.


Enough of this fake plastic stuff. Easter can be so superficial. Let’s get down and dirty with the real deal. Rowan was pretty excited when she thought she could get her hands on the egg dye.


Curses, Mommy has foiled my evil plot! I’m laughing in agony!


Permission to dunk: Granted. 5…4…3…2…1…


 Wow this egg dippin’ thing is totally wicked! Totally.


You dip them in the color water and the color stays on them! It works every time!


At first we had quite the variety of colors. This is a blue egg…for now.


We got out the paintbrushes and things got intense. Sometimes egg decorating can be a challenge…


Awaaaha ha ahaha ha! Rookie!


Drew’s blue egg is now a psychedelic egg.


The finished product. No green, yellow, or red eggs to speak of. Just a whole bunch of purplish brown ones. I guess we let them take the whole egg dying/painting a little too far.


The real reward is the black eyes, bloody noses, and dyed fingers. Egg decorating is a contact sport!


On Easter Eve Drew & Brinley made sure to set out a nice big carrot. Why? D&B said that the Easter Bunny doesn’t have a sled like Santa, or wings like the Tooth Fairy, so hopping to all the kids houses would make him tired. Sounds good to me! The Furry Home Invader left plenty of stuff to remind the kids of the true meaning of Easter, plus more candy.


Easter morning looks to be a success!


It wasn’t over yet. We sped up north to see baby cousin Logan be blessed, and spent the afternoon and evening enjoying great company and a fantastic Easter dinner at Aunt Marsha’s house. Unfortunately I forgot my camera, so that portion of the day remains undocumented. It’s a shame. Better luck next get-together!