Does your home look like the inside of a greenhouse? From the tales of Guinea Gardens past, Edgar can hardly contain himself! Mr. Pigglesworth was deep in the trenches with Drew as we planted Guinea Garden V 4.0.


Colorado’s freaky spring weather made it too cold to work on the garden outside.  If it weren’t for the obsessive compulsive mamarazzi the huge mess they made scooping dirt could have been contained in the garage.


Drew had a really hard time containing the micro-sized carrot seeds. If I stopped sweeping the floor, I’m certain we would have a crop of carrots growing under the table.


This carrot seed has been ever so gently pinched and is ready for placement in his new forever home.


And now the most exciting part…ready, set….DROP!


It’s a shame those pretty pink nails had to get marred by the black soil. Little zucchini seed, please grow and bring us the good stuff!


Until the seeds sprouted the only green in the house was this old rosemary bush. We started this one 3 years ago, back when we lived in our stinky third-story apartment, and it’s still going strong! Even after all the abuse…we like to walk by and pinch the leaves just to make the room smell good. mmmm…


We tried to get a head start on our herb garden this year. Mint grows fast, runs, and never stops. But it tastes so so so gooood.


Waiting for seedlings to pop out of the ground is more exciting than Christmas. What will they look like, how tall will they be? I can hardly contain myself with the tiny miracle that happens when a seed meets dirt+water.


Mmmm, basil. Just a little bit bigger and we will be up to our elbows in pesto.


Don’t be thrown off by the creepy chin hair, this isn’t furry basil. It’s oregano, coming up fast!


One thing I love about radishes is that they reach full maturity in 30 days. It’s exciting for the kids to see a seedling pop up in 2 days, and have a full grown radish just 4 weeks later.


If only radishes tasted better. They skip our plates and go right to the guinea pig. It’s a shame…