Today I spent 15 minutes trying to find my camera. It’s usually within arms reach at ALL times. Ready to document every happening. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break and live in the moment, rather than hiding behind 7lbs of metal.


It’s a new season. Things are changing. Priorities are shifting. Lately, I don’t know where I’m going, and I don’t know where I came from. I don’t know if I should stop or go. So much to do, so little time.


This dude started playing soccer. After every game, he is sure to tell everyone within earshot “I scored 30 goals!” I’m glad that his self-esteem is through the roof, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. And can you believe he only has FIVE days left of Kindergarten? (((deep breath)))


This girl had her ballet recital. More on that later…


This one started crawling…


And climbing.


And getting into any and all manners of mischief.


With all that drool comes a side of crusty nose and diarrhea. Dare we hope for teeth? This chapped bum is enjoying some fresh air while we wait for a batch of fresh diapers…hot out of the dryer.


And that folks, is all I got for today.