My family came to town this last weekend. Our place was their first stop on their journey to pick up my sister Jenna from her mission in Hotlanta. As always when the fam gets together, we had a plethora of pastimes to pursue during their visit.

What comes first? Why food of course!

muy delicioso

Homemade eggrolls are a staple whenever my sisters are around. They’d sue me if I didn’t have the ingredients on hand.


While the womens were busy in the kitchen, ole Gramps examined the KitchenAid mixer that died a few weeks ago kneading dough.


Diagnosis: Still dead. Kind of a bummer, because while the Bosch reigns supreme at kneading delicious crusty bread dough like this…


…the Kitchenaid is handy to have around for smaller batches of cookies. I guess we’ll have to make do without. Attention Girl Scouts: We have perfected your Samoa cookies into something far more delicious and much less waxy. Consider yourselves warned. (btw, recipe available HERE, just do yourself a favor and only make half of the cookie base.) Yum!


Rowan AKA “Moondog” spent one night howling at the moon, and had a pretty rough morning too. What would make it all better? A strawberry, spinach, yogurt smoothie please!


Afterwards, she worked out with Daddy and her siblings. Triple Piggyback, check it out!


By lunchtime she was sold property, and found a nice soft cheek to get her nap on.


Guess who used too much toilet paper. Again. Think that making her unclog it will teach her? Ummmm, no!


Brinley also discovered she can fit 9 grapes in her mouth at the same time. That’s my girl!


There is always a watchful eye on the butterflies. Did you know their heads fall off before they pupate?


Here is proof! And the waiting game begins…


Master Kelsey taught me to quilt while she was here.  We got plenty of help while we worked.


It takes an army to lay it all out and pin the pieces together.


And it takes three to sew it all together and remove those pesky pins.


The semi-finished product. This is two quilts side by side. Kelsey and I share more than blood; we have the same taste in fabric.


Rowan got a lesson in texting from Kristy. wrud? rofl! gtg ttyl! Huh? 


We celebrated first-graderdom by accepting no substitutes; only a Cup of Dirt from TGIFriday’s would suffice. Hush you critics! Can’t you tell that this crummy picture is from my cell phone?!


We watched our corn pop up in rows, pointed our rocking chairs towards the West…


Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline. Maybe if you wore a crown and plastic jewelry your stronga longa lashes would be luscious too.


Ro-diggity wishes she was big. That way she could run around outside shooting D&B in the face with her squirt gun too. Payback is a…?
