There’s been a lot going on inside and out lately. We’re wrapping up our last week in St. Geezy, and it’s been a great time! Thanks to all the family and old and new friends that have made us feel welcome. We couldn’t have done it without your support…

Last week Uncle Mark rolled through town and made sure to give Drew & Brinley the nickel tour of his sweet ride. It’s a Peterbilt for dang’s sake!


Before the visit was over Uncle Mark asked D&B to ensure that his rig was properly working before moving down the open road. Lights? Check!


Ye olde tire thumper, which Brinley executed with the grace of a true ballerina. Yes, ballerinas and truck stops. Yup. Thaaat’s right.


Lights fading…limbs wrapped…temperature rising…zzzzzzz…Either that or she’s already learned to pucker her lips and make smokey eyes at the boys.


Smokey eyes?! Now that’s funny!


Check out my crow’s feet! And when I relax my face they magically disappear. Don’t even start to think you can afford the lotion I use.


Rowan made sure to fully enjoy the great meals we received from the generous people of our ward. Hey Rowan, are you gonna put mayonnaise in your hair when you’re older? Just asking…


You’re gonna put what in your hair?!


Up on top of Dixie rock there was one rule: Hold to the rod, the iron rod. They even sang the song. Should we tell them it’s actually steel? Nah.


And it came to pass that they wandered on forbidden paths and became lost and were smote on the head despite their great strength.


But behold they did repent of their ways and did build their foundation upon the rock and became strong again.


The studio got left in Denver, but we were still able to put together Eleanor’s first model portfolio. When there’s a will, there’s a way! Why so serious, E?





Eleanor is a good sleeper, once you actually get her to sleep! She likes to wiggle and squirm out of her swaddle, although in this case it appears that she wanted her head swaddled too.


Finally zonked! See you in 4-6 hours!
