After the day we spent at the family reunion, we headed back to the other side of the mountain to meet with relatives on Ryan’s side of the family. We are very grateful t0 Grandpa F for the nice stay we had at the Cedar City Hampton Inn. Nice rooms, pool, close to restaurants, and…They actually wash the bedspreads! But, there was one irritating thing we discovered during breakfast the next morning: The kids do not fare well with too many choices!


Why just have a bowl of cereal when you could have fruit, yogurt, a waffle, hot chocolate, bacon, biscuits & gravy, sausage…you get my point?


Ah what the heck, we’re on vacation. Go ahead and pig out kids. No really, just shove as much as you can in all at once!


We were excited to meet our brand new cousin, but were also sad to say earthly goodbyes to another.


We’re grateful for the knowledge that families really can be together forever. We know we will be able to meet Brooklyn someday.


One thing Brooklyn did was bring family from all around the world close together. These monkeys know this uncle very well from previous family occasions. Hey Aric, can we go get really muddy again???


Or maybe you could carry us sherpa-style over to the closest movie theater for Cars 2? Um, Aric? Can I talk to you for a sec?


I know that someone may have told you that it’s trendy for men to wear girly Bavarian shoulder bags, but let me give you the best gift ever: Drop it now. 


This artist may not have the most colorful palette in the world, but the whole world is her canvas. Literally.


If you spend more time at higher altitudes before you eat your meal, will you be hungrier? It’s worth a try!


Are any of the boys getting hungrier with their eyes glued to the game? I’d say the chances are slim…
