We still have more to post about our summer, but it’s time to take an update break again. Don’t worry, we’ve laid down all 13 chapters of pics and memories from our Tour de Utah…but that doesn’t mean the party ended when we came home! While our life is always like a party (that can be good or bad), consider this an after-party post about getting back into the swing of things…  

Whatcha doin’ Ellie? Are you exfoliating your T-zone?


Looks like the tape is starting to itch. Aaah…AAaahh…AAAHH…


Oh I get it! That device you’re wearing is a new invention: The SneezeStopper 3000!


“Side effects may include drooling while on camera. Contact your doctor immediately if you notice monkey-like tendencies…”


Another new thing Ellie has tried out is brushing her teeth. Apparently she wanted to survey the toothbrush selection before being forced to settle on the one we bought for her!


What’s that Drew? You say you don’t use this toothbrush to brush your teeth anymore? What do you use it for?!


Grandpa & Grandma J spent a few days at our place while on their trek east to attend Uncle Dan’s white coat ceremony. All the men got to work right away on making an insulated utility room in the basement. Drew is very proud that this tape measure doesn’t pull down his shorts:


Drew’s holding the wall up, but is it straight? I think he can feel it in his shoulders!


Brinley approves of her 1st grade desk, and is ready to be assessed. Hiiiiiiyah!!!


See that angry look on Drew’s face? He had to suffer through quite a vicious hazing before becoming a Bobcat. Poor kid…


Grandpa & Grandma J went to Missouri to see Dan receive his white doctor’s coat, but they weren’t the only ones to see it live: 


Someday you two will be telling the story about how you were watching a live video on the internet to your grandkids, and they’re just going to laugh and laugh! Way to go Uncle Doctor Dan!


Oh blessed day! The first day of scourge…I mean skooge has finally arrived!


It had rained the night before, but that didn’t stop Brinley from helping the greater good by cleaning off the slide…with her butt.


No big deal! Brinley’s too ecstatic about being at school again to worry about her soggy seat.


Rowan is excited too, but only because she got to wear a backpack!


Ellie…was not thrilled.


Rowan insists that she wear pajamas, brush her teeth and say her prayers before naptime. I’m not going argue with that! Afterward it was time to crack open her backpack and discover the surprise inside! A lunch just like the big kids have!


Are a handful of raisins for a cheese cube a fair trade? The negotiations continue…


Looks like Eleanor is going to remain deep in thought about this transaction…very deep!


Like a flash of lightning a silent third party has showed up and wanted his fair share. It doesn’t look like he’s interested in what everyone else’s opinions are either!


Ew. Cheddar is a cannibal!


Hey Rowan, do you think Cheddar might be interested in your whole wheat PBJ too?


Roastie and Eleanoo got to enjoy the new play area at the zoo where the old yuck-tastic duck pond used to be. This is Ellie’s interpretation of the Riverdance:


Rowan really is quite proud that she has a lunchbox like the bigs do. And unlike her little sis, she believes in a fair share for everyone.


So Ellie, how good is that unconditional love sandwich?


Don’t you think you ought to share too? Sorry Ellie, that doesn’t work. I’m still here!


Hello, old foe. It’s good to see you…at the zoo.


Wait, is that Hammy?!


The rodent that laid waste to the backyard garden before I was even born? Say it ain’t so!


And Mommy just said hello to him like they were BFFs!!!


You two need to keep the perspective that Hammy lives at the zoo. While there may be an abundance of grub available to him, it’s only a matter of time until WHACK! Hammy = Snow leopard poop. (insert evil chuckle here)


That’s great Mommy, but what do we do about this crazy lookin’ dude over here?!


Hey Rowan! Was your lunch made with all-natural organic Flubber? Because you’re starting to float!


Here’s something else that’s all-natural and organic: Kids and caramel popcorn. Its Friday movie night!


We’re settled into our seats and the snacks are tasty. What sort of flick did we choose? Romantic comedy? Action? Documentary?


According to Rowan, it’s a horror movie! Who knew that Megamind was so terrifying?!
