it’s great to be eight

Crafts, Drew 5 Comments »

No doubt about it, turning 8 has not only been an exciting time for Drew, but for all of us. There have been a lot of fun and new experiences that Drew has been able to share with us, and we’re super-proud and happy for him. Hit the lights, crank the music, it’s time to celebrate!

If your lunch items are wrapped up like presents, does that mean they taste better?


Mama was out of commission, so Ryan whipped up some mathematical cupcakes for Drew & his class. Each one was frosted with an equation that adds up to eight (except for one that only added up to 7…oops). What a nice “house-husband”. That sounds kinda weird, but so is Ryan…


After school Drew got to put his own dang candles on his own dang (cup)cake…a firefighter’s nightmare!


Lookin’ mightier than an olympic torch! Happy Berfday Scoob! Let’s tear open some presents!


The most special part of turning 8 was a very important decision Drew made. Drew decided to follow the Savior’s example and get baptized. Ryan baptized and comfirmed him a member of the church. It was a decision that Drew thought long & hard about. 


We’re all so proud of you Drew! Thanks for being a great example to all your little sisters, and to us! (Wanna know more about baptism and what we believe? Click here.)


We’re also grateful for all the wonderful support Drew got from our extended family. The baptism “after-party” got a little rowdy…a total of 30 relatives in our house at the same time! Thanks everybody! Sadly this is the only shot I got of the fam all weekend.


Turning 8 also means that Drew is now an official Cub Scout. Drew aged-in at the perfect time: 10 days before the Pinewood Derby! He didn’t seem very interested in making a car, though. He created the design he wanted for his car only a month in advance. Sand away son!


Looking real good Drew!  The weigh-in is in 24 hours, so you better hurry up!


Ah, finally getting down to the finishing touches. Drew decided he wanted a hot-rod look which required whitewall tires. Of course! Abraham Lincoln’s copper profile helped us avoid getting paint on the wheels. Thanks Abe!


And now…for the reveal! Nice tires!


Looks like a real air-slicer. Is this thing ready to race?


Well if it’s not, somebody better call 911, cuz this ride is hot!


Speaking of hot, a couple of cute skinny blondes showed up to the race to cheer Drew on. Meow!


Gentleman, start your…graphite tubes! Let’s race!


Check out the rookie scout! That shirt is so new it still has creases! Lookin’ sharp!


Drew won some, he lost some. Perfecto! If it weren’t for that laser finish line thingy, some races would’ve been too close to call!


Drew was pretty worried about how his car was performing, can’t you tell?


Way to go Drew!


Brinley, Drew 5 Comments »

Boohoo or woohoo? However you feel, it’s that time of year again. It’s the time when the kids are off to the salt mines… again. Again for Drew anyway, who is in the 3rd year of his formal education. But what about Brinley?!

We’ll get to Brinley in just a second. We’ve got to verify that these nerds are qualified for the grades they’re in first. This is an old hat for Drew, who flashed through his assessment before Rowan even found the drinking fountain…


Ok Brinley, your turn. It’ll be no sweat for you to find the hypotenuse of the calculus cosine trigonometry while doing 1147.92 upside-down push-ups. Like I said: No sweat Binnie!


Don’t be jealous Brinley, them older kids done got to stays at school more longer to get learned all that hard stuffer they not teached in kindergräten.


First of the second for the Scoob. We got two thumbs way up from Mr. Confidence…


But then, the mob rolled in. How’s a kid to find his class lineup in a riot like this?


Looks like any lingering apprehension quickly faded into diesel fumes. Nice job Scoob!


Mother of Abraham Lincoln! Is today finally the day?


Alright Brinley, you will now be schooled in the art of “morning routine”. Let’s start off by having all the parts of a nutritious breakfast.


After you’re properly stuffed, make sure to stuff a juicy snack into the backpack.


Now get your hair did.


Not excited. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not even a little.


Here comes the mob again! Hold your ground!


No visible jitters today. Just love. Awwww…


And there she goes! Have fun Binnie!



On with our lives…this one was all broke up about being the oldest at home, and shared her thoughts on the subject at the PTO’s “Coffee & Cry”. More like “Lemonade and Woohoo!” (insert evil empire music here)


Sorry Roastie, your reign lasted only 3 hours. Brinley’s back…with extra credit!



made it to the big time

Drew 2 Comments »

Drew has carefully developed multiple streams of passive income. Make no mistake, this boy is a hard worker who thinks about others. But this boy is getting rich! All through losing teeth and getting older. Ryan thinks there should be a payback for losing hair too. Nice try baldy. So Scoob, let us in on what your plans are for your vast financial empire!

Great Grandma F sent the traditional B-day check, and he bugged us enough that we finally got around to cashing it for him. I think it was his threat of charging us interest that got us moving. That and it’s been nearly two months since his birthday. 


Am I seeing things, or is all that money giving Drew a big head?


Sorry Drew, you’re a high roller, just not high roller enough to afford perfecting your golf swing. You could always wait for more money! Nah… 


Drew’s gonna get really wet and go really fast all while enjoying a really questionable 3D experience! Big plans I tell you!


Being the humble and practical financial guru that he is, Drew opted for a smarter option. Nothin’ beats the original.


Drew is foaming at the mouth to customize his pad. Just like the rest of us!


Get your girl a bouquet of flowers, get your pig a bouquet of parsley. It’s the secret to happiness.


Wise investments leave you with options. With a $8.99 Slip ‘N’ Slide and $.67 of parsley in hand, Drew still had $14.53 in his pocket. Nice work Scoob! That’s plenty for some sweet paint in his room. And a sweet Dilly Bar too (of course)!
