“but mommy…

Brinley 7 Comments »

…she’s a kitty.”

Said Drew after I discovered Brinley’s face and jammies covered in marker.

I told them they could color for a while before bedtime. It was quiet, very quiet. That’s not abnormal though, they are pretty serious when it comes to coloring. I thought nothing of it until it was time to brush teeth. Then I heard whispering. Lots of whispering…

Busted! (let just ignore the green tinted hair and mismatched jammies, mmmm kay!?)

Oh wait, she is taking pictures. I can’t be in that much trouble? Or am I?

Now she is laughing, I’m too afraid to make eye contact though…psycho kitty!

While she is in a good mood I may as well ham it up. Time to scratch and growl.

I didn’t get any pictures of Drew, I was having too much fun torturing Brinley with my poker face. He was sweating it for a few minutes though. The markers were washable and came right out of the jammies. Brinley’s face didn’t fair as well. She went to ballet class the next afternoon looking like a kitty. meow!

5 months and a flying saucer

Rowan 3 Comments »

Rowan went back to the doctor last week for her 5 month visit, it should have been a four month visit, but we are still playing catch-up. She weighed in at 12lbs 7oz (10%), she is such a petite little thing!

Here she is all posed and pretty before the doctor came in.

What elephant? I don’t see an elephant anywhere in this room. Everything is ohhh kaaaay.

A few hours later, sleeping off those darn shots.

Way back when Drew was a baby we got one of those fancy exersaucers. Drew & Brinley both loved it, but we weren’t too sure about Rowan. She hasn’t shown an interest in toys yet. Drew & Brinley helped Daddy unbury the saucer from the depths of the basement, and gave it a good sanitizing wipe-down. Then…it was time.

Whoa, what is all this?! You can literally see the gears turning…

And then she started grabbing at everything like a pro, she knew what to spin and what to push. She had been holding out on us!

Can you say record scratch, baby style? 

I loved watching her discover everything. It was a whole new world for her.

She stayed in the saucer for quite a while! It’s nice to have something entertain her during the day so I can do things like cook and bake, and yeah – clean.

before the bash

Everyday 5 Comments »

Halloween wasn’t just one fun night for Drew & Brinley. It was a whole week of fun. All week long the kids were doing fun things in order to truly capture the Halloween that every kid dreams of. Wear your costume once on Halloween night? What a drag. Wear it to get all kinds of candy and other free stuff? Now you’re talking!

D&B&R hopped into the studio the moment after they ripped open the box from Grandma J to show off her fine work. It also worked as a way to preserve the memory of the costumes in case anybody bit the dust. 

Brinley dear, it really isn’t a real cupcake. Ok, whatever…

She is a cute cupcake isn’t she?

Thanks Grandma J for turning a lampshade, beads, and some fabric into pure magic.

The Dilly Bar, ready to roll.

Looks like the mothership likes Dilly Bars too. Who doesn’t?

Oh yeah, and Drew wanted a taste too.

Rowan looks like a tasty banana split laying in chocolate. Or the Pope. ha!

Don’t doubt for a minute that she isn’t going in for a taste.

A few days later we went to Freaky Fun Day at at Old Navy, where the first 100 kids with their costumes on got to pick out a graphic-tee for free. Score!

We went to DQ on Halloween day so I could get some pics of Drew with a Dilly Bar. Turns out they were giving out cones to kids in costume! The DQ peeps said there was no way they could give a walking Dilly Bar anything less than the ultimate reward.

Brinley was SO jealous that she insisted (screaming bloody murder) that she get a bite. Who wants a cone when you can have a Dilly Bar? Exactly.

I don’t know, something is just creepy about a Dilly Bar eating a Dilly bar. Hannibal Lecter anyone?

All done and saving the stick for Oscar. He likes to chew on wood, and is quite the pine aficionado.

Rowan, the dairy nazi, giggled the whole time about all the creamy dreamy goodness I missed out on. I think her costume should have involved horns and a tail.

After DQ we hit up Papa Murphy’s for free pizzas! We are the supreme Kings of Cheap!

And that is the end of our Halloween festivities. Finally!