Sick inside. Cold outside. Feeling icky during icky weather adds up to a double fever. I haven’t left the house in a week now, I’m starting to get that itch, or is it a twitch? twitch? twitch?

Brinley is finally on the mend. After some scary high temps she is back to her feisty self.  Remind me that’s a good thing, okay?

We discovered that “sick milk” comes in PINK. I didn’t have to beg her to drink it anymore. Because color is more important than flavor, right? mmmhmmmm. I was greatful for the pink sick milk and the peace of mind that even though she flat out refused to eat anything for two days, I knew she was getting some nutrition.

During our down time we took the opportunity to make the most of our abundant girl time.

Rowan made peace with being left on the floor. She’d much prefer to play with crinkly fruit snack bags over toys, so we did indulge her every once in a while.

Throw me a bone, will ya?!

Hey this bone tastes like apple! Thanks! How many licks does it take?

Last time we were at the library, Drew picked out THIS book. Ever since, he has been collecting any and all manner of junk that may or may not be craftable. Mad scientist Drew got busy building his robot while Brinley dozed and watched movie after movie. I’m proud to say that he mastered the glue gun with only the very minorest little burn on his finger.

That robot’s got some hairy eyebrows. Oh that’s right, those are optical lens cleaners. Sorry.

Observe! My creation is almost complete! That is a rare 16 cent pint of B&J’s folks! Hooray for coupons!

Uh oh, I’ve got extra parts. Did I miss any steps?

Behold: Junk*E! He’s already drawn up plans for Trash*E, if anyone wants to donate parts you know where to find us. ha!

It is wintertime, so rather than wish death to Hammy, he provides us daily entertainment. Opening the door this much is just enough to drive Cheddar and Hammy completely crazy.

Next time we have double the fever we will be triple-prepared: Grandma J sent us a sweet Play-Doh toy, a DQ gift card, and a designated “Feel Better Bear.” Thanks Grandma J!